Four more babies born on the land; two to Darlene yesterday, and two to Cutie Pie today. Cutie Pie is also Darlene’s mom.

I’m finally being productive. Don’t have worthless eaters bringing me down anymore.
Butchered two goats 🐐 so far 🍖 I’ll potentially have 4-6 next year to take to the butcher.Got almost 💯 guinea fowl. Next year, we will be processing chickens and guineas.Might maybe have sheep 🐑 next year too.Had food growing in the greenhouse for the 1st time 😁 finally.
Looking at another property with a house 🏠 if we get that, we’ll turn my Caplinger property into a rental. Rent out three camper spots I’m making better money at my new job, and making money off my dividend stocks.Paying down my dept. Things are looking up 🤠
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