So far, three out of four made it. The one on the rear/ far left, didn’t make it. We thought it might not; it acted handicapped or retarded. It made it a couple days, but turned up missing.
The other three, seem to be very healthy. The one could have been in-bread. The guy I bought the ewes from, let the boys bread back their moms; and I’m not sure which are which. But soon, that won’t be a problem anymore. I have those rams sold, and they will be at their new home next month.
I was letting him overwinter his sheep on my land, but then he wanted to sell them; so I bought the ewes. He was going to butcher the rams, but never did. The rams are friendly, and we wanted to keep them; but we can’t. I didn’t want the sheep to in-bread, so we found a buyer for them instead.
They say you may not have problems breading mother to son, but you definitely don’t want to breed brothers and sisters. My former friend David-Ray used to inbreed his goats all the time; that explains why he had problems with his herd, that and neglect. Goats are a little more easy to neglect, they mostly take care of themselves; goats are more low maintenance I think… Sheep on the other-hand… sheep are kind of dumb.
I had a Dorper Ram I was going to bread with these ewes, but he wound up missing as well. He disappeared sometime between the 13th and the 15th of February. Maybe he knocked up a couple ewes before he disappeared, but I think I am going to hold off before buying another Ram. If I buy another Ram. If I do, I’ll probably name him Dodge. lol
So the white one on the rear was born February 15th, the two in the front were born February 7th, 2025