Not sure if it’s a boy or girl yet. Born today March 5th, 2025. I’ll check it’s gender when I get home this weekend 🤠

Not sure if it’s a boy or girl yet. Born today March 5th, 2025. I’ll check it’s gender when I get home this weekend 🤠
So far, three out of four made it. The one on the rear/ far left, didn’t make it. We thought it might not; it acted handicapped or retarded. It made it a couple days, but turned up missing.
The other three, seem to be very healthy. The one could have been in-bread. The guy I bought the ewes from, let the boys bread back their moms; and I’m not sure which are which. But soon, that won’t be a problem anymore. I have those rams sold, and they will be at their new home next month.
I was letting him overwinter his sheep on my land, but then he wanted to sell them; so I bought the ewes. He was going to butcher the rams, but never did. The rams are friendly, and we wanted to keep them; but we can’t. I didn’t want the sheep to in-bread, so we found a buyer for them instead.
They say you may not have problems breading mother to son, but you definitely don’t want to breed brothers and sisters. My former friend David-Ray used to inbreed his goats all the time; that explains why he had problems with his herd, that and neglect. Goats are a little more easy to neglect, they mostly take care of themselves; goats are more low maintenance I think… Sheep on the other-hand… sheep are kind of dumb.
I had a Dorper Ram I was going to bread with these ewes, but he wound up missing as well. He disappeared sometime between the 13th and the 15th of February. Maybe he knocked up a couple ewes before he disappeared, but I think I am going to hold off before buying another Ram. If I buy another Ram. If I do, I’ll probably name him Dodge. lol
So the white one on the rear was born February 15th, the two in the front were born February 7th, 2025
Feb 7th, Shaggy gave birth to two lambs
We lost our baby Ram 🐏 a predator came and snatched it 2 days ago. I traced the tracks and call the trapper, they think it was a coyote; probably the scout 🐺
But yesterday, we had two baby bucks born. They are for sale. Thay are .989 Organic Grass Feed
I’ve not named then; because they are for sale, trade, or for food. I call them by different food names, so people know not to get too attached to them. They were born to Momba and Bucky on January 13th, 2025. Bucky is 50% Nubian and 50% Nigerian. Momba is mostly Pyrenean and Nigerian, I think. She is an unknown.
If you want them to breed, you can buy them in April, before I wether them in April; they are $275/ea. Thought, now that I have more land, I may not be wethering them in the future; I may just separate them from the females. I’ll grow them out on the new land.
After April and before December, they will go for meat/wether price at $175-225/ea. You can use them as a companion animal, a Pet Organic Composting Machine; or you can take it to the market for your specific choice in cuts of meat. Wethers are less valuable or less expensive because of two reasons. They have been castrated, and can no longer breed. Butchers will charger at approximately $125 per goat to process them.
After August, and before the end of the year; they will be butchered and the price for meat will be $350/ea. I will also have individually wrapped meat prices at that time, if you don’t want the whole goat. I will probably wait till December to cull them. If you wether them, you can wait longer; otherwise you have to call them before a years time. The older they are, the more I change; cause they cost me more to keep them longer.
You can contact me at (816) 518-8804 and/or the goat trader at (870) 654-3201 his name is Kelby Howerton
Our first baby Ram was born yesterday January 7th 2025
He is for sale $350
after wethering $175
after butcher $350 ish
When deciding whether to weather a goat or lamb before butchering, it is generally best to weather both as it significantly improves the taste and quality of the meat by removing the strong, “gamey” flavor associated with uncastrated male animals; making a wether goat or a wether lamb the ideal choice for butchering.
Key points about weathering:
Taste improvement:
Castrating young male goats and lambs before they reach sexual maturity greatly reduces the strong odor and flavor of their meat, making it more palatable.
While some claim goat meat remains tender even from older animals, butchering a younger wether goat generally provides the most tender meat.
Market value:
Most meat markets prefer wether goats and lambs due to the better taste and consumer appeal.
Green coffee bean extract is a supplement made from unroasted coffee beans that contains chlorogenic acid and caffeine:
Blood pressure
Green coffee may help lower blood pressure in some people. The chlorogenic acid in green coffee may affect blood vessels.
Blood sugar
Green coffee may help improve blood sugar regulation. The chlorogenic acid in green coffee may lower blood sugar levels and reduce insulin spikes.
Weight loss
Some research suggests that green coffee may help with weight loss by lowering blood sugar and blocking fat buildup. However, many experts agree that there is no substitute for maintaining a healthy diet and getting regular exercise.
The chlorogenic acid in green coffee is a natural antioxidant that may help tame inflammation.
Green coffee beans may help slow the overall effects of aging both mentally and physically. The caffeine and chlorogenic acid in green coffee may help with sun damage, wrinkles, and dry, rough skin.
Green coffee contains less caffeine than regular coffee. However, the quality and active ingredients in supplements may vary widely from maker to maker. You should ask your doctor for advice.
Ramsay had her babies early this morning or late last night. She got mastitis last time, and lost her last two baby boys; while I was out over the road. I’ll be home in two days to check on her; my girlfriend took the pictures, and said they were nursing, so that’s a good sign. I have some special Feed for her this go around, hope it helps. I need to formulate an herbal blend for nursing mothers, to help prevent things like that from happening again in the future; I just hadn’t had time to do it yet. Hopefully this supplement I bought will help.